
Archive for November 2017

Household Chores for Children

All families expect children to contribute in some way to family life. Some children help out when their parents ask them to, while other children have household chores or jobs they’re responsible for every day or week. Either way, getting children involved in chores is good for children and good for the whole family. Doing…

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What Parents Mean to Teenagers?

When lots of other things in teenagers lives are changing they need support and love from parents. Through ordinary, everyday activities you can keep a strong relationship with your teenage child. Teenagers, parents and family relationships As children move into the teenage years, many people think that families become less important to them. But your…

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Hepatitis C

Hepatitis C is a blood-borne virus that causes inflammation (swelling and pain) of the liver. Symptoms of hepatitis C When first infected with hepatitis C, many people may not feel ill, while others may find their urine becomes dark and their skin and eyes turn yellow, or they may experience a minor flu-like illness. Within…

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Experience of Loneliness

What is loneliness? Generally, loneliness is defined as a state of aching isolation in which a person becomes aware of a painful feeling of apartness from others or has an emotional experience of being distanced or cut off from others. Loneliness is a normal human emotion which everyone experiences from time to time, one in…

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Screening of Developmental Issues

What is a developmental delay? Skills such as smiling for the first time, waving “bye-bye” and taking the first step is called developmental milestones. Children reach milestones in crawling, learning, playing, speaking, moving, behaving, and walking. When your child does not reach these milestones at the same time as other children the same age is…

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Governmental Assistance

Government assistance is defined as government aid given to the poor, elderly, dependent children or disabled. Some examples are financial assistance, food stamps, housing assistance and health care. Government assistance goes by other names such as federal assistance, federal aid, federal funds and federal benefits. In general, it is any type of federal project, program,…

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Anger Management

Anger is a completely normal, usually healthy, human emotion and when it is managed properly it is not a problem. Everyone gets angry, and mild anger can sometimes be useful to deal with situations and express strong feelings. However, if anger persists over a long period of time or is expressed in harmful ways, then it can lead to…

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Child Disciplining

Discipline is a way to teach your child appropriate behavior, not punish them. You will discipline them differently, depending on your child’s age. When disciplining your child, start by setting some rules that your child clearly understands. Be consistent and set rules that encourage your child to succeed, when implementing discipline. Affirm when your child…

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Money Management

Different families handle budgeting and money management in different ways, but the general goal of money management is a weekly, monthly or yearly picture of what you need to spend and what you have left over. Budgeting will help you: spend your money wisely on the things you must have – these are your needs…

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Physical Activity and Reduction of Obesity

Nourishing and attractive food is the cornerstone for children’s health, growth, and development as well as developmentally appropriate learning experiences. Because children grow and develop more rapidly during the first few years of life than at any other time, the child’s home and the facility together must provide food that is adequate in amount and…

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